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201-Fundamental Analyses

About the Training

In order to carry out our organizational work more effectively and efficiently, it is critical that we subject ourselves and the area we work to a continuous and systematic evaluation. 201-Fundamental Analyses title deals with the subject of analysis as a process that is internal to living organizations rather than being a technical and external issue to our organization. It evaluates the different analysis methods we need during organizational planning processes and project preparation periods, and how we can use them in planning processes, with examples. 

What will you learn?
  • To understand our organizational capacity, knowledge and experience in a holistic approach,
  • The stages of the circular approach in strategic thinking and the points you need to pay attention to in order for these stages to work correctly, 
  • Different tools that you can use in the analysis phase of the circular approach,
  • The importance of drawing your path within the framework defined by your mission-vision and core values ​​while determining your goals and strategies,
  • how to plan your activities within your budget and resources.
How much time should you spend?

Online 201-Fundamental Analyses does not have any scheduled start and end date. You can start at the time you set and finish at the pace you set. We suggest you to spare 1-1.5 hours a day and complete the whole program in 2 days. The video content in “201-Fundamental  Analyses” is 1.45 hours; reading materials take 45 minutes. So the total duration of all the content is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

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Education Details
2,5 saat/kendi hızınızda
Certification Type
Certificate of Participation
Burçak Özoğlu
Doc. Burçak Özoğlu

Burçak Özoğlu, who received her BA from Middle East Technical University, Department of Business Administration, and his master's degree from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, received his Ph.D. by completing the integrated doctorate program at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations and Manchester University International Labor Research Center as a scholar of the Turkish Academy of Sciences.  Currently working as an additional lecturer at METU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Özoğlu carries out studies with civil society organizations and academia in the fields of organizational theory, management sciences, and labor studies.

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"Biçilmiş Kaftan" Ismarlama Eğitim Programı

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