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BoMoVu Sports and Peace Archive

BoMoVu Association issued a call to create a "Sports and Peace" archive in Turkey on April 6, the International Day of Sports for Development and Peace.

Civil society organizations, municipalities, and all individuals, communities, or institutions working in the field that deal with sports, body movement, or art together with peace can contribute to this archive. You can contribute to this archive with your works or the examples you see.

We hope that the examples to be collected in the archive will encourage, inspire and bring together people and institutions working on peacebuilding. Samples to be sent may be; event/activity, game, long-term program/project, written and visual publications (news, articles, documentaries, experience sharing...).

By clicking this link, you can fill out the form and contribute to this archive that they intend to produce voluntarily. They aim to share the first version of the archive in about three months, so the sooner you get the call, the sooner you can fill out the form, the better.

You can visit the web pages for detailed information.

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