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"We Will Stop Femicide Platform Association" is in Danger of Closure

Civil society is faced with yet another repression of freedom of association. The We Will Stop Femicide Platform Association, which has been fighting against femicides for 12 years, has been sued for annulment on the charge of "carrying out activities against the law and morality".


In its statement, the association shared the information that the complaint petitions filed on behalf of the association create a strong suspicion of crime by the court. We Will Stop Femicide Platform Association, sharing the information that the notion of family is disregarded and the family structure is falling apart under the guise of defending women's rights in the petitions in question, stated that a series of law enforcement records, including investigations where no crime has been committed, are listed in the case file. We don't see the case solely as an attack on our struggle. In its statement, the association said that they did not see the lawsuit filed as an attack only against themselves and that the attack was aimed at the entire democratic public opinion. The statement said:

"The effort of the political power, which signed the Istanbul Convention to intimidate those who struggle, at the expense of leaving women and LGBTIQ+s alone in the face of violence, is not independent of many unlawful acts in the country. Let them not think that we get used to this unlawfulness. We will not normalize, we will not legitimize it."

We Will Stop Femicide Platform Association Cannot Be Closed With Unlawful Lawsuits The full statement is as follows:

We set out 12 years ago by saying “We will stop the murder of women”. We have revealed that those news stories that write "love, love murder" on the third pages of the newspapers are our struggle for life, with their name, target, and subjects. The files of the murdered women, which were ordinarily closed by the courts, reached us. Together with the relatives of those murdered women, we established the We Will Stop Femicide Platform Association. For 12 years, we have committed the concept of "femicide" in these lands. We uncovered the truth in suspicious female deaths. We pursued the making and enforcement of laws and regulations with all women. With the data we publish every month, we have shown how we are fighting for life. We organized city by city and filled the squares with as many women as stars shouting "You will never walk alone" against those who ignore women's struggle for equality in these lands. We waved the flag of egalitarian feminism for women, LGBTIQ+s, and children everywhere, and we did not even leave a courthouse where we did not step foot. As of today; We hereby inform the public that a lawsuit has been filed against our Association, We Will Stop Femicide, which strives to wage this struggle, with the charge of "acting against the law and morality" with unlawful and baseless allegations.

They claim that various complaints filed against our association have created a strong suspicion of crime by the court. The petitions in question consist of written applications that are not based on any concrete facts, such as "our association disintegrates the family structure by ignoring the concept of the family under the guise of defending women's rights". Also in the file; A range of law enforcement records are listed, including investigations that have not even turned into a lawsuit, and that have not been found guilty of crimes against our association executives. Trying to make up crimes against us with these unlawful and baseless allegations is deplorable even in the scope of the current legal order. While we call the political power, prosecutors, and courts to duty in favor of women; they prefer to target the addressees of this issue with such empty lawsuits. All the public knows that; there is no courthouse in this geography where the We Will Stop Femicide Platform makes protests ahead. From our point of view, this case is not separate from women's struggle for life, equality, and freedom.

Women cannot be silenced. The struggle of women cannot be stopped.

We do not see this lawsuit brought against our Association as an attack on our struggle. We know that this attack is an assault on the entire democratic public opinion. The political power that signed the Istanbul Convention at the expense of leaving women and LGBTIQ+s alone in the face of violence; the effort to intimidate those who struggle is not independent of many unjustnesses in the country. Let them not think that we get used to these unlawfulnesses. We will not normalize and legitimize.

Aside from stopping femicides, the era of those who actively watch its increase every day is discontinuing. As these struggles are in vain, these lawsuits are also in vain. We declare once again that we will not stop until we stop the murders of women. We will stop femicides, violence, gender inequality, and these unlawfulnesses.

As "We Will Stop Femicide Platform" and "Women's Assemblies", we have never walked alone until today. We know that we will never walk alone in the face of these attacks against our just struggle. We call primarily to our members, our friends; and all the women, LGBTIQ+s, and all sensitive public who support women's struggle to embrace our struggle against this annulment lawsuit filed against us. We will never stop, we will stop femicides.

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