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We held the closing meeting of our Project on Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations Working in the Field of CEFM

We held the closing meeting of the Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations Working in the field of Prevention of Child, Early and Forced Marriage Project-II (CEFM) on Friday, April 26, 2024 in Ankara.

At the closing meeting of the second implementation period of the project, which we worked in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations working on the prevention of child, early and forced marriages, we came together with 10 CSOs that we provided small-scale grants and training and mentoring support for their institutional development.

At the meeting, organizations carrying out monitoring, advocacy and capacity building activities in different rights areas, especially children's and women's rights in the field of preventing child, early and forced marriages, shared their field work, experiences, what they noticed in the field, and the results of their work. 

STGM General Coordinator Dr. Tezcan Eralp Abay, UNFPA Turkey Representative Mariam A. Khan and UNFPA Program Manager Emine Kuzutürk Savaş attended the meeting. 

During the meeting, Tezcan Eralp Abay explained the preparation and design process of the program and stated that they made a programming outside the classical grant processes.

“The hallmark of this program was that everyone brought their best knowledge to the table to see if we could bring this issue, which everyone is familiar with but very few organizations have embraced with all hands, to the point it deserves a little more. Child, early and forced marriages is a very ambitious and difficult issue. It is not only a cultural issue. There are other challenges such as political problems. Nevertheless, we will consider ourselves successful if this program has made even a small contribution to bring this issue to its rightful place.”

UNFPA Program Manager Emine Kuzutürk Savaş made the following statements about the program.

“Today is both our pride day and a day that gives us the opportunity to make an evaluation, a day when the first efforts on the subject were put forward. We will work a lot on this issue together. I am sure that we will grow even more and work together with more civil society organizations to prevent child marriages by doing more field work, more communication and more advocacy.”

The CSOs we worked with in the second implementation period of the Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society Organizations Working in the field of Prevention of Child, Early and Forced Marriage Project;

  1. Eksi 25 Derneği - Eskişehir
  2. Eşit Haklar İçin İzleme Derneği - Ankara and İzmir
  3. Havle Kadın Derneği - İstanbul
  4. Hayat Sende Gençlik Akademisi Derneği - Ankara
  5. Katre Kadın Danışma ve Dayanışma Derneği - Erzincan
  6. Mimoza Kadın Derneği - Mersin
  7. Ortakça Derneği - Van
  8. Önce Çocuklar ve Kadınlar Derneği - Antalya
  9. Roman Hakları Derneği - Ankara
  10. Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim ve Araştırma Derneği - Ankara
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