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The beraberce Academia Online Collective Learning Practice Continues

The beraberce Association had transported their lecture programs, in the contexts of peace culture, responsibility, memory, identity, and perspective, to beraberce Academia which is their online learning platform. Moreover, their theme will be “Responsibility” in the new education term.

The discussions will be pursued with questions such as; Should every one of us take responsibility in the context of developing another world or is the alteration of others adequate? If we have the knowledge of ordinary people are able to change the history and vanish the hegemonies by taking responsibility, what is the responsibility? Is it homework, or a duty, or conscience, or is it a step for a life together?

The deadline for beraberce Academia is October 21, 2020, Wednesday at 18.00.

For questions and further information please contact from [email protected]

Click here for the application form.

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