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The European Commission Announces its Annual Report on the Implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

The European Commission last week published its annual report on the implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (December 6, 2022). The report emphasizes the need to increase support for civil society.

The report states that the work of civil society organizations and fundamental rights defenders is crucial to the practical implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and that more efforts need to be made to support civil society actors, including improving the environment in which they work.

The European Union and its member states should "recognize the role of civil society organizations and fundamental rights defenders, empower them to become active, and ensure that conditions are created for them to be meaningfully involved in decision-making and implementation of national and EU policies," it said.

The annual report examines what member states and the European Union's national human rights, equality and ombudsman institutions are doing to support civil society organizations and human rights defenders.

In times of crisis, the importance of civil society organizations and rights defenders is revealed

The report states that the importance of civil society organizations and rights defenders in the protection and development of fundamental rights has become evident again in recent events, especially in times of crisis.

It also said that civil society organizations play a key role in combating disinformation in cooperation with public institutions and review bodies in member states during emergencies.

While the report said that civil society organizations and rights defenders were effective in countering disinformation, mobilizing support for people fleeing the war and documenting events in the war in Ukraine, they were also effective in conveying essential information about the needs of specific groups such as women, children, disabled people, LGBTI+ and Roma people. It was also explained that CSOs and human rights defenders supported people displaced by the war in Ukraine and forced to flee to member states, and that they set up a special service to reunite missing children with their families.

Protection measures need to be improved

While the report noted that many member states have taken measures to protect civil society organizations and rights defenders, it noted that some member states have improved this support through their national action plans.

It was also noted that the European Commission has taken a number of steps to improve the protection of journalists. It was also said that protection needs to be improved throughout the European Union.

"Figures show that 61% of organizations face obstacles that limit their 'safe space,' while 43% face verbal (43%) and physical attacks (15%), including online (19%)."

The report also notes that lack of resources continues to be a problem for civil society organizations, especially those that advocate for fundamental rights. The report states that the 2021-2027 budget allocates 1.55 billion euros for projects to protect fundamental rights, and this amount is the largest support to date.

Minorities and vulnerable groups are not sufficiently consulted in the EU

The report noted that many member states consult civil society organizations and human rights defenders when drafting legislation (e.g., through public hearings). It was also noted that there are several examples of Member States creating permanent channels for dialog, such as private platforms and networks.

However, it was noted that there are not always clear guidelines for information or access to open consultations, that there are various obstacles to the involvement of civil society organizations and human rights defenders at the national level, and that minorities and vulnerable groups in the EU are not sufficiently consulted.

Here are the notes from the report:

"During the consultation for the preparation of the report, more than half (53%) of the organizations reported obstacles to 'engaging and cooperating' with public authorities."

"A significant number of organizations (30%) reported barriers to civil dialog in general."

Why is the report important?

Building on the findings of the report, the European Commission will be hosting a series of seminars on how the EU can further strengthen its role in protecting, supporting and empowering civil society organizations and human rights defenders. The results of the discussions at the seminars will be presented at a high-level European roundtable in 2023.

To read the full report:

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