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2019 Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence Published Its Action Report

The Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence (CŞMD), which fights against forms of violence based on sex and sexuality and works for living spaces and relationships where domination and violence do not exist, published its 2019 action report.

ÇSMD, is one of the beneficiaries of the BİRLİKTE Institutional Support Program supported by the European Union. ÇSMD, worked on raising awareness on sexual violence, dating violence, sexual abuse against children and animals in workshops titled “Change Starts with Me” in 2019. Hundreds of people from different cities of Turkey came together these workshops.

In 2019, "Not like that, like this!" The CŞMD, which started its campaign, produced a word to break down the myths of sexual violence and support the culture of approval. Working with adults last year to make the bodily voice of children and young people more visible, CŞMD also met with university students for safer relationships. CŞMD also studied and researched support systems for survivors of sexual violence.

CŞMD, one of the 42 organizations in the STGM Together program, had the chance to focus on our teamwork and 3-year strategic plan, as well as our outward-oriented activities with mentoring support.

You can read the 2019 action report of CŞMD here.

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