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sivil toplum susturulamaz imza çağrısı

Call from Rights Organizations to Signature Against the Proposal to Restrict the Activities of Associations

Human rights organizations have prepared and signed a request text for the "Draft Law on the Prevention of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction", which increases the control of associations. In a common written statement, it's stated that the proposal was against the acquired rights through the international human rights conventions to which we are bound, and especially the Constitution. The proposal was asked to withdraw immediately.

While the Monitoring Association for Equal Rights, Rights Initiative Association, Human Rights Association, Human Rights Foundation of Turkey, the Human Rights Agenda Association, Amnesty International Turkey Branch, and Citizen's Assembly are the first signatories, said #siviltoplumsusturulamaz in the call.

In the common statement, it was emphasized that the bill, which gives the Ministry of Internal Affairs the authority to appoint trustees to associations and will further narrow the range of action of civil society organizations, is against the constitution and freedom of association.

Associations Will Face the Risk of Closing Down

In the statement, it was pointed out that if the proposal becomes law, associations and foundations will face the risk of being closed with a single signature, and since the administrative cases to be filed in this regard longing for years, a "fast closing" procedure would have been created in practice.

The "Draft Law on the Prevention of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction" discussed at the Turkish Grand National Assembly last week and expected to come to the General Assembly on Thursday, December 24, 2020, with the amendments made in the Laws on Aid Collection and Associations, and the fundraising activities of existing associations and foundations and serious restrictions on freedom of association, and new regulations that will ensure the political tutelage of the Ministry of Interior over associations.

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