As part of the grant program, at least six projects will be funded for a maximum duration of 12 months between 2023 and 2024 to combat discrimination and support more effective and independent national human rights mechanisms through promoting collaboration between CSOs, bar associations, and lawyers.
For more information about the call and application process, you can refer to the application guide.
Application deadline: August 8, 2023
Who can apply?
Non-profit civil society organizations or consortia formed by non-profit civil society organizations established in Turkey can apply.
Target Groups: Civil society organizations located in Turkey.
Grant Amount and Duration: Up to 13,000 EURO per sub-grant and a maximum of 12 months.
Application: Application documents will be sent to Christy Gamboa at [email protected].
About the Project:
The "Together Against Discrimination" Project focuses on increasing civil society's intervention against discrimination, which plays a vital role in the protection and advancement of human rights in Turkey. It aims to strengthen the capacities of organizations engaged in rights-based work in addressing discrimination cases, initiating strategic litigations, building relationships with National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), promoting networking and collaborations for anti-discrimination efforts. Ultimately, the project aims to contribute to the development of a more resilient civil society and the expansion of democracy in Turkey.