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Logical Framework Approach and Matrix

The Logical Framework Matrix, which is a part of the grant calls of many international organizations, particularly the European Union, is one of the most difficult issues for civil society organizations in the process of preparing the application. However, when the Logical Framework Matrix, which forms the backbone of the Project Cycle Management approach, is discovered as a convenient tool for both the design and presentation of the projects, it becomes a guide rather than a chore left to the end.

Logical Framework Approach and Matrix

The most important feature of the Logical Framework Matrix is that it shows the internal consistency and integrity of the intervention to be carried out with the designed project.  The logical framework, first of all, reveals the desired change to be created with the proposed project, how and under what conditions it will be possible, and then how it will be shown. Thus, the logic behind the desired activities can be easily understood by everyone. However, this logic requires to be explained with special terminology. Civil society organizations find it most difficult to be familiar with this terminology. 

STGM, which is one of the first institutions to organize project training for civil society in our country, is carrying out various studies to introduce this approach and terminology to civil society organizations in the most understandable and beneficial way with its experience of nearly 20 years.

Project Cycle Management Trainings

Logical Framework Matrix constitutes one of the main topics of Project Cycle Trainings.  You can visit the Training section of our website to get information about these training and to follow up-to-date announcements.

Open Sources

We also prepared resources for CSO representatives who could not attend our training, where they can increase their knowledge and experience on the subject. The most important of these is our Project Cycle Management book, which you can access from the Related documents section below. 

If you have a general knowledge of Project Cycle Management and want to deepen your knowledge directly on the Logical Framework Matrix, we recommend you to watch our webinar on this topic.


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