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Civil Talks

You Are Invited to Civil Talks Program for Inspirational Stories

We are meeting at the Civic Talks Program on Friday, December 25, 2020, to talk about the stories that inspire the civic sphere as we come to the end of the CSO Resource Center Project, which has been going on for three years. Civic Talks will be broadcast live on our Youtube and Instagram accounts.

We are approaching the end of the CSO Resource Center Project, which we set out exactly three years ago and accumulated many stories, “for now”.

We continue to see and learn together how important it is to learn together and move forward by sharing our experiences in this field, where we have been working for more than 15 years to strengthen organizations, increase their influence, and support their policy-making and advocacy capacities.

Now is the right time to talk about experiences together and get inspired by each other at this way station.

Within the scope of the CSO Resource Center Project supported by the European Union, we invite you to the Civic Talks Program that we will broadcast on Friday, December 25, 2020, to listen to the "stories of inspiring organizations".

The Video Comic "Civil Stories" Prepared by Emrak Ablak Will Be Premiered

In Civic Talks, which is moderated by Özel Oytun Türkoğlu, the first run of video comic series named Civil Stories prepared by Emrah Ablak who is one of the prominent representatives of comics in Turkey,  will be realized.

Within the scope of the Civil Stories, the stories of 13 civil society organizations working in different fields from Ankara to Diyarbakır, Gaziantep to İzmir, Istanbul to Van were told.

Inspiring Guests Will Be Among Us

There will also be guests inspiring with their success in the Civil Conversations Program. Creative women entrepreneur, Gizem Aytac, artist Zeren Göktan, International Women in Science Prize winner scientist Bilge Demirköz and one of the blues voices of Turkey Göksenin Tuncalı will participate.

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