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ALİKEV invites you to a workshop on algorithmic discrimination in Türkiye and the world

The workshop Algorithmic Discrimination in Turkey and the World with Asmin Ayçe İdil Kaya will take place online on Monday, February 26, at 19:00. The workshop, which is open to young people between the ages of 18and 30, will discuss what exactly algorithmic discrimination is, its political and technical causes and examples in Turkey and the world.

In the workshop, examples will be used to show that algorithmic discrimination distinguishes certain minorities and disadvantaged groups in socio-political intersectional terms, and the topic will be deepened through the discussion part. At the end of the event, a reading list discussing technological developments from a feminist perspective will be shared with the participants.

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Türkiye ve Dünyada Algoritmik Ayrımcılık Atölyesi poster

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