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Application Campaign for CIMER from Children and Women First Association: "Make Sanitary Pads Free"

Children and Women First Association has issued a call for free sanitary pads, which have become inaccessible to many women with the recent hikes, and invites everyone to strengthen the call to be made to the Ministry of Health and Trade via CIMER and to apply to CIMER.

The statement said:

"Women menstruate once a month, lasting for about 7 days. An average of 4 to 5 pads are used per day during the menstrual period, and 20-25 pads are used throughout the cycle. Think of a menstruating mother and her two daughters, the price in the market goes around approx. It is 170 TL. Now consider that the only income of this family is “1” minimum wage. This pricing means that millions of women cannot access this essential product. Sanitary pads should be free.”

First of all, you can find the petition samples prepared by the Children and Women's Association to be forwarded to CIMER here

İlgili Eğitim