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Call for innovative democratic practices by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

If you have a project that strengthens the voice of citizens in democratic decision-making processes, you can send it to the OECD by March 5, 2024. The OECD is looking for inspiring ideas that can be presented for discussion at the “Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy” in 2024.

In line with the OECD Ministerial Declaration on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy and its Annex "Enhancing Participation, Representation and Openness in Public Life with a Focus on Gender Equality", this special call aims to gather innovative experiences, including digital tools, that bring the voice of citizens directly into democratic decision-making.

Applications can be submitted on the following topics:

  • Innovative practices to incorporate citizens' voices both indirectly and directly into democratic decision-making and policy-making at all levels of government,
  • Approaches that demonstrate how governments implement the results of these processes through policy, integrate them into decision-making processes and achieve tangible impact,
  • Efforts to institutionalize these innovative practices in such a way that they feed into existing democratic decision-making processes or are integrated into parliamentary institutions and legislative processes,
  • Strengthen the capacity of the public sector to engage with citizens as democratic actors, as opposed to private actors who have a vested interest in policy outcomes.
  • The call is addressed to public servants working in all areas of the public sector at national or local level, as well as civil society organizations and citizens' groups that contribute to inclusive policy-making in the spirit of open government initiatives and more efficient democracies.

Further information and the application form can be found here.

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