
The European Commission has launched the call for proposals under the Programme Entitled "Support to Rights-Based CSOs Working on Social Inclusion and Youth" strengthening participatory democracy by supporting the inclusion of marginalised groups and individuals and by enhancing the key role youth can play in societal transformation.
CSF-funded actions have been complemented by yearly allocations under EIDHR, now NDICI thematic line for Human Rights and Democracy.
The global objective of this call for proposals is “to strengthen participatory democracy as well as to contribute to the advancement of human and fundamental rights in Türkiye by supporting rights-based civil society organisations”.
The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
- To support CSOs working on social inclusion of marginalised groups of people;
- To support CSOs working on the active and engaged participation of youth in all aspects of societal, economic and democratic life.
For detailed information:
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