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European CSOs Call on European Institutions with the 2024 EU Election Declaration

A broad coalition of CSOs led by Civil Society Europe and the Social Platform has launched a campaign for a better civil space and civil dialogue across Europe ahead of next year's EU elections. The "Civil Society for the EU" campaign, which is initially endorsed by 112 civil society organizations, emphasizes the need for a comprehensive EU strategy tailored to civil society, addressing gaps in current policies that restrict civil space, promoting its expansion, and spreading positive practices.

The campaign announcement highlights the upcoming elections as an opportunity to reverse the narrowing trajectory of civil society and enable it to become an effective and enduring actor in European governance.

Concrete steps by EU institutions required for a stronger civil society

In the campaign announcement, EU institutions are called upon to take concrete steps over the next five years, starting with the development of the European Civil Society Strategy and the Civil Dialogue Agreement, to create an empowering environment for civil society. The manifesto states that "for a better Europe, the future European Parliament and the European Commission must recognize, protect, and enable civil society at all levels."

The manifesto reminds that civil society is an essential part of healthy democracies and underscores that Europe and its member states are not exempt from the narrowing civil space worldwide due to political, social, and economic constraints. It also conveys that the civil dialogue between civil society and policymakers is not sufficiently open, transparent, and regular, leading to a democratic deficit that fails to address the needs of many people living in the European Union.

A dedicated EU strategy for civil society is essential

The manifesto, initially endorsed by 112 civil society organizations, emphasizes the necessity of a comprehensive EU strategy dedicated to civil society, aiming to fill gaps in current policies that restrict civil space, promote its expansion, and disseminate positive practices.

The manifesto highlights the need to protect civil society workers, volunteers, human rights and environmental activists, and advocates, along with the communities they represent, from harassment, violence, or ill-treatment. It calls for the development of a mechanism that enables CSOs, activists, and advocates to continuously report all forms of attacks, threats, smear campaigns, and limitations on civil space within the EU and for these reports to be addressed promptly.

The manifesto points out that civil society requires appropriate human, financial, and material resources to effectively fulfill its role, stressing the importance of securing multi-year, consistent, and flexible structural funds for long-term planning and independence of CSOs.

Recommendations for a broader civil space and civil dialogue

The manifesto offers recommendations to strengthen and safeguard CSOs and human rights advocates.

The recommendations include:

  • Removing all restrictions and barriers to civil space and actions and ensuring freedom of organization, assembly, and expression in all civil matters, in line with EU and international law.
  • EU and national decision-makers and institutions should commit to protecting and supporting CSOs through regulatory policies.
  • Given the global dimension of societal challenges, facilitating cross-border collaboration among CSOs is crucial. Thus, existing barriers and legal and financial uncertainties hindering transnational activities of civil society should be addressed.
  • Civil society should be involved in the design of funding policies and programs from the outset, including defining thematic priorities and accessibility criteria.
  • A structured mechanism should be established to ensure adequate and regular dialogue and information flow between civil society and public donors for the implementation of fund programs.
  • Simplifying administrative procedures and reducing overall bureaucratic burdens will enhance access to funds, especially for small-scale, grassroots, and volunteer-managed organizations. Furthermore, access to basic funding in the form of grants for policy and advocacy work on behalf of the groups and communities they represent should also be enhanced.
  • Both EU and national policies should eliminate regulatory and financial barriers to accessing cross-border funds and donations, facilitating cross-border philanthropy.

To read the full call, click here.

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