
Civil Society Development Center (Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi Derneği - STGM) was founded in the year 2004 by a group of opinion leaders and activists who believed in the importance of civil society for the development of participatory democracy in our country.
- in no circumstances considers itself and acts as a top-level union.
- in no circumstances interferes in internal affairs of civil society organizations.
- is impartial to and independent of third parties.
- upholds transparency and accountability at all levels and in all of its activities.
- respects all rights and freedoms recognized by international conventions.
- takes stand against all forms of discrimination, considering differences and diversity as a source of richness.
- is sensitive to the integrity of life and ecosystem values.
- adopts participatory and pluralistic democracy as a mode of life.
- is an organization embedded in practical life, seeking fast and feasible solutions.
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