The training will take place on Monday, 20 and Tuesday, 21 December and envisages a full-day programme on each day.
The objective of the training is to further develop the capacities of CSOs in communication skills and to enable them to prepare attractive stories delivered through different communication channels to a general audience and specific target groups. Stories of civil society work are narratives that turn facts and statistics into a convincing message about their impact, but good storytelling is a skill that needs training and practice. The training on Storytelling and Efficient Communication aims to help CSOs understand the power of stories as communications tool, as well as learn how to create and shape their own stories successfully and transmit them more convincingly and broadly.
Concrete topics to be covered are:
- Principles and methods of storytelling;
- Use of Design Thinking methodology and SCAMPER techniques in developing a genuine story;
- Communication channels and the differences in their approach;
- Fundamentals of public and media relations (Credible and Efficient Communication);
- EU communication requirements;
- Success Stories – showcasing the work of a CSO;
- Fundamentals of public and media relations;
- Media and PR ethics;
- Fundamentals of public and media relations (Efficient Communication).
Deadline for application is Tuesday, 14 December 2021 by 17:00 hrs CET.
The training covers two days hands-on training sessions consisted of presentations by the trainers about methods and principles of storytelling, , communication channels and their practical application (social media, web, traditional media – TV, radio, news – portals), public relations and media relations (key-messages, data, practical tips), in-depth information about EU communication and visibility requirements (presentation of EU rules and best practices) and essentials of communication tools (news, information, feature story, types of videos, infographic, photography).
Training with be delivered in English language.
Interested participants will have the possibility to benefit from the follow-up mentoring support after the training.
Up to 20 representatives of CSOs from the region will be selected to attend the training. Participants will be selected based on the pre-defined criteria as follows:
- Nominated representatives should be from a CSOs that are interested in enhancing their scope of communication with the public and their constituencies;
- Nominated representatives are working on communications and have basic knowledge in this field i.e. their part or full work portfolio is in the field of communication;
- Nominated representatives have an interest in public relations, media relations, new and social media;
- Knowledge of basic digital channels such as use of Social Media, Web/Blog and digital tools as Adobe Reader, Adobe Design tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) or video platforms by nominated representatives will be considered an asset.
To enable diversity and equal access, each CSO can assign one representative to attend the training. A basic geographical balance of representatives would be maintained.
EU TACSO 3 strongly recommends that CSO’s planning to apply to have in mind the above-mentioned criteria.
Interested participants should fill-in the Application Form before Tuesday, 14 December, 2021 at 17:00 CET.