Interpersonal communication, corporate communication, public relations and media communication have changed and diversified incomparably with the internet. For this reason, civil society organizations should acquire new skills and improve their existing skills not only in digital communication technologies, but also in determining target audiences, creating persuasive messages in a variety and format for the target audiences they have determined.
- Changing communication processes in the digital age and their reflections on civil society organizations communication processes,
- Why the digital communication strategy and plan is important for the civil society organization and how it can be done,
- Reputation and crisis management in digital,
- Management of digital assets such as websites, e-bulletins and social media accounts,
- To apply the basic concepts of digital promotion, digital advertising and digital advertising campaign,
- Use of instant messaging and team communication applications,
- Governance, network governance and digital governance concepts, their relations with each other and the effect of digital participation on decision-making processes,
- Features and skills that a network-oriented civil society organization should have and digital governance tools that can be used,
- Network-oriented resource development practices and skills
It is enough to spare 3 days for the “302-Digital Communication and Governance” training program to be held face to face. This face-to-face training will take place between 19-20-21 July 2022.
If you have decided to participate in “302-Digital Communication and Governance” online only, good news! There is no set start and end date. You can start at the time you set and finish at the pace you set. We recommend you to spare 3 hours a day and complete the whole program in 2.5 days. The video content in “302-Digital Communication and Governance” takes a total of 2.5 hours, and the reading materials take a total of 5 hours. So the total duration of all content is 7.5 hours.
Yüz yüze yapılacak “302-Dijital İletişim ve Yönetişim” dersi için 3 gün ayırmanız yeterli. Bu yüz yüze eğitim 19-20-21 Temmuz 2022 tarihleri arasında gerçekleşecek.
Eğer “302-Dijital İletişim ve Yönetişim”e sadece çevrim içi katılmaya karar verdiyseniz, güzel haber! belirlenmiş herhangi bir başlama ve bitiş tarihi yok. Kendi belirlediğiniz zaman başlayıp, kendi belirlediğiniz hızda tamamlayabilirsiniz. Bizim size önerimiz günde 3 saatinizi ayırmanız ve 2,5 günde tüm programı bitirmeniz.“302-Dijital İletişim ve Yönetişim” içerisinde yer alan video içerikler 2,5 saat; okuma materyalleri ise 5 saat sürüyor. Yani tüm içeriklerin toplam süresi 7,5 saat.

"Biçilmiş Kaftan" Ismarlama Eğitim Programı
“Biçilmiş Kaftan” Ismarlama Eğitim Programı, sizlerin belirlediği ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda bizimle birlikte tasarlanan ve planlanan özelleştirilmiş bir kapasite güçlendirme desteği.