Within the framework of our project on Monitoring Freedom of Association, which we are implementing in cooperation with the Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TÜSEV) and with the support of the European Union, we will support the participation of 7 representatives of non-governmental organizations from Turkey in the EU Civil Society Days 2023 event to support the participation of non-governmental organizations from Turkey in international civil society activities.
Detailed information about EU Civil Society Days can be found here.
We will cover the travel and accommodation costs for participation in the EU Civil Society Days, which will be held in Brussels, Belgium, from March 1-3, 2023. During the EU Civil Society Days, the daily expenses will be transferred to the participants' bank accounts after the visit, not exceeding the established limit, after the expenses incurred by the participants are documented.
The representatives of NGOs participating in the event will be determined through an open bidding process. Since no translation assistance will be provided during the event, NGO representatives applying to participate are expected to have good communication skills (in English and/or French). Furthermore, it is an advantage if participants have a valid passport and visa to enter Belgium on the mentioned dates.
If your application is accepted, a "letter of assignment" will be requested from the management of the organization you represent, confirming that your participation in the entire program has been approved on behalf of your organization.
Application Calendar
NGO representatives wishing to participate in the EU Civil Society Days must complete the application form no later than 23:59 on Wednesday, January 31, 2023. Since the information provided in the application form is important for the selection of participants, it would be useful to answer the questions in detail. Accepted NGO representatives will be notified by e-mail on February 7, 2023.
Application form for the EU Civil Society Days
Application Criteria
- The program is aimed at rights-based* NGOs that carry out advocacy activities and campaigns at the local and national level or have included these activities in their work plan.
- Carrying out activities on the topics included in the EU Civil Society Days program. (The meeting will discuss the threat to democratic values and seek answers to the following questions: How do we see participatory democracy in the future? How can we democratize the European economy? What do digital rights mean for citizens? How should civil society be financed?)
- Conducting studies to contribute to the international civil society agenda, conducting monitoring or advocacy activities at the international level, or preparing for this purpose.
- Must be proficient in English or French.
Evaluation Criteria
When filling out the application form, a detailed, clear, and concise explanation rather than general wording is important so that the evaluation can be done in a healthy manner.
The evaluation criteria are as follows;
- Completeness of the application form
- Compatibility between the purpose of the application and the program
- Regional distribution
- Thematic distribution
- Gender balance
- Language skills and a valid visa are preferred.
*The rights-based approach identifies individuals as entitled subjects, while government agencies and increasingly the private sector are identified as duty bearers. The rights-based approach, grounded in human rights principles and standards, aims to develop the capacity of individuals to claim and defend their rights and the capacity of institutions to fulfill their rights-related obligations.