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“Localization in Turkey, from the World Humanitarian Summit to Today”

Localization Advocacy Group (LAG) is a Turkey-based independent collective initative that aims to challenge and transform the way the humanitarian system is operationalized in Turkey. LAG is bringing together the key players of the international humanitarian community to create a space for dialogue on how best to promote and operationalize a locally-led humanitarian system in Turkey.

It is necessary to talk about 'forced migration' and humanitarian aid when migration as a result of wars, conflicts, the effects of the climate crisis and economic reasons has become visible . 

Today, all the efforts to improve the lives of people affected by the natural or human-made disasters defined as humanitarian aid. ‘Localization’ has taken its central place in discussions of humanitarian transformation as the solution for a more effective, efficient and accountable humanitarian system. In other words, localization means giving more initiative to the local organisations and strengthen the existing local capacity. Thus, the Localization Advocacy Group, comprised of 28 local, national and refugee-led NGOs and networks in Turkey, bringing key humanitarian actors, donors and decision makers together during this consultation meeting with the aim of fostering local leadership and engaging in collective advocacy.

“Localization in Turkey from the World Humanitarian Summit to Today” consultation meeting will be held in Ankara on 24th of May, in the sixth anniversary of the World Humanitarian Summit. During the Consultation Meeting international donors and key local organizations will gather around the same table for the first time to discuss the state of localization in Turkey and the steps required to take to push the agenda forward . One of the main outcomes of the consultation meeting is to discuss the commitments announced in the Grand Bargain document, as well as the challenges and opportunities for a more locally-driven response. 

For more information on Turkey Localization Advocacy Group and the consultation meeting, please contact LAG Localization Coordinator Ceren Can at [email protected]

Localization Advocacy Group (LAG) is a Turkey-based independent collective initative that aims to challenge and transform the way the humanitarian system is operationalized in Turkey.  The main objective is to reshape humanitarian action in Turkey into one that is locally-led.

The consultations leading up to the World Humanitarian Summit brought together many Turkey-based NGOs that were active advocates for localization.  After the Summit, an advocacy group was initiated with the leadership of the national NGO, Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek) and was later formalized to become the Localization Advocacy Group as a result of growing interest from other local organizations to become a part of the collective.

The group was formed based on an identified need for Turkey-based organisations to become more visible and prominent within the humanitarian system.  Despite being the first responders, local organizations stated having little impact on humanitarian funding flows, the quality of partnerships, investment in capacity and accountability structures, their place and role in cluster coordination fora, and their visibility and influence in relation to the impact they create.  Thus, the Localization Advocacy Group was established with the mission of fostering local leadership and engaging in collective advocacy towards key humanitarian actors and decision makers.

Since September 2021, the LAG secretariat is composed of a Localization Coordinator and is hosted by the Civil Society Development Center (STGM) in Ankara.  For more information please contact LAG Localization Coordinator Ceren Can at [email protected]

LAG Members 

  • Erişim Destek Derneği (EDD)
  • Genç Gelişim ve Girişim Derneği
  • Göçmen Dayanışma Derneği
  • Hayata Destek Derneği
  • Habitat Derneği
  • İltica ve Göç Araştırmaları Merkezi (IGAM)
  • İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı (IKGV)
  • Kadınlarla Dayanışma Vakfı (KADAV)
  • Kalkınma için İnovasyon Derneği (I4D)
  • KAOS-GL Derneği 
  • Kırmızı Şemsiye Cinsel Sağlık ve İnsan Hakları Derneği
  • Kırkayak Kültür Derneği
  • Küresel Akıl Derneği
  • Mavi Kalem Derneği
  • Maya Vakfı
  • Menekşe Organizasyon Sosyal Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma Derneği (Violet Syria) 
  • Mültecilerle Dayanışma Derneği (Mülteci-DER)
  • Mülteci Destek Derneği (MUDEM)
  • Mülteci Hakları Merkezi
  • Nirengi Derneği 
  • Sığınmacı ve Göçmenlerle Dayanışma Derneği (SGDD/ASAM)
  • Sivil Toplum Geliştirme Merkezi Derneği (STGM)
  • Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (TOG)
  • Türkiye Mülteci Konseyi (içinde mülteci örgütlerin de bulunduğu 21 STÖ barındıran bir ağ)
  • Uluslararası Çocuk Hakları Elçileri Derneği (ICHILD)
  • Uluslararası Mavi Hilal Vakfı (IBC)
  • Watan Derneği
  • Yuva Derneği
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