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Monitoring Enabling Environment

Developments directly effecting civil society will be closely monitored, such as modifications in the relevant regulation, strategic reports published by public institutions and activities of public institutions, court decisions on freedom of associations. Furthermore, the experiences of right based CSOs, such as women's rights, LGBTI rights and environmental rights, will also be considered

A new monitoring methodology will be developed by harmonizing and maturing the monitoring methodologies of STGM and TÜSEV, for providing a continuous monitoring effort of daily developments in relation with freedom of association. This monitoring approach will also allow STGM and TÜSEV to compose relevant data and information in the field and to produce new ones.

Main Activities

  • The monitoring and reporting of developments in field of freedom of association in Turkey,
  • The monitoring and reporting of developments directly effecting civil society, such as modifications in the relevant regulation, strategic reports published by public institutions and activities of public institutions, court decisions on freedom of associations,
  • Field research for analyzing the profiles of CSOs, basic legal guarantees for fundamental freedoms (freedom of association, expression, and assembly), framework for CSO Viability and Sustainability and public-CSO relations.
  • Monitoring Matrix on Enabling Environment for Civil Society Development-Turkey Country Reports by TÜSEV
  • State of Civil Society in Turkey Reports by STGM
  • In-depth Study on Fiscal Environment Concerning Taxation of CSOs by TÜSEV
  • Development of a set of recommendations for civil society statistics
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