Purpose and Way of Working
Children can talk with child helpline counsellors in member organizations about the abuse, neglect, violence, poverty and exploitation they may be experiencing, their hopes and fears and the worries and concerns they might have, or simply because they need someone to talk to who will listen to them.
Child Helpline International also coordinates information, viewpoints, knowledge and data from child helpline members, partners and external sources. This exceptional resource is used to help and support child protection systems globally, regionally and nationally, and to help members advocate for the rights of children and amplify their voices.
Membership and Membership Requirements
In order to find out information regarding membership, child helplines who are interested in are recommended to contact Child Helpline International at [email protected]
Contact Details
Headquarter: Amsterdam
Country: The Netherlands
Website: https://www.childhelplineinternational.org/
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ChildHelplineInternational/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/child-helpline-international/?originalSubdomain=tr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chiamsterdam