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We Met with CSOs in Right to Participation Training

We organized the Right to Participate training in Ankara to strengthen the capacity of CSOs in advocacy and participation within the scope of the Monitoring of Freedom of Association Project supported by the European Union and carried out together with TÜSEV.

We held the meeting of the 4-day training session attended by CSOs from different cities of Turkey on 3-4 June 2022, and the second meeting on 17-18 June 2022. In the training, we discussed the freedom of association in national and international legislation, advocacy, campaigning, lobbying techniques, obtaining information, evidence-based advocacy and research techniques, CSO participation in law preparation processes, local participation mechanisms, and participation mechanisms in the central administration.

Bilgi University Faculty of Law faculty member Dr. Ulaş Karan narrated Freedom of Association in national and international legislation, while Hakan Ataman talked about the advocacy methods, and Dr.Derya Göçer, a faculty member of METU Social Sciences Institute, on the evidence-based advocacy.

In the second part of the training, İkbal Polat, one of the founders of the Urban Strategies and Local Practices Association, explained the topic of local participation mechanisms, while TOBB ETU University faculty member Prof. Dr. Fahri Bakirci quoted the participation of CSO in the law preparation processes.

Organizations participating in the training are:  Atölye Eğitim ve Sanat Derneği, Çocuk İşçiliğini izleme ve Önleme Derneği, Işkın Sosyal İnovasyon Derneği, Rosa (Gül) Kadın Derneği, Kadın Adayları Destekleme Derneği, SPoD- Sosyal Politika, Cinsiyet Kimliği ve Cinsel Yönelim Çalışmaları Derneği, Arayüz Kampanyası, Meme Kanserlileri Derneği, Alevi Düşünce Ocağı, Eğitimde Görme Engelliler Derneği, Üniversiteli Kuir Araştırmaları ve LGBTİ+ Dayanışma Derneği, KızBaşına, Yaşam Bellek Özgürlük Derneği.

Katılım hakkı Eğitimi Haziran 2022


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