Although our areas of activity, the issues we are interested in, and the priorities we set may differ from each other, in fact, we are all striving for the same goal in the civil field. We are trying to implement initiatives that will contribute to the solution of some social problems that we have taken to heart. We make plans, try to create resources, and develop and implement projects and programs.
- But how much are we able to put our plans and projects into action?
- What kind of progress are we making?
- What kind of changes are we seeing in our target audience and the field we are working in?
This is where monitoring and evaluation come in, which encompass the methods and approaches we will use to answer these questions. The title "203 - Monitoring and Evaluation" covers basic concepts related to monitoring and evaluation with various examples, the function of indicators, determining indicators, and planning and reporting aspects of monitoring and evaluation.
- To learn the basic concepts of monitoring and evaluation,
- To discover the function of monitoring and evaluation processes and the questions they try to answer,
- To learn key elements such as conceptual framework and indicators,
- To learn about the planning and reporting aspects of monitoring and evaluation.

"Biçilmiş Kaftan" Ismarlama Eğitim Programı
“Biçilmiş Kaftan” Ismarlama Eğitim Programı, sizlerin belirlediği ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda bizimle birlikte tasarlanan ve planlanan özelleştirilmiş bir kapasite güçlendirme desteği.