The implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child can only be achieved by considering children's rights as a whole and taking all rights into account in all actions. The Child Rights Mainstreaming can be possible by systematically applying the child rights approach to everything we do and by promoting the dissemination of child rights.
The 503- Child Rights and Mainstreaming title is designed for civil society organizations working on all issues related to children, with children, or for children to integrate the 4 fundamental principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into their organizations as a mainstream perspective with an intersectional approach, and to ensure that no one is left behind.
The online content of the 503- Child Rights and Mainstreaming course was prepared by the International Children's Center (ICC), one of the partners of the "Civil Society Capacity Building Center" project implemented by STGM and supported by the European Union within the scope of the Civil Society Instrument (CSF).
- To internalize the children's right to participation, freedom of association and peaceful assembly, freedom of expression, and their right to access information according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- To understand the importance of protecting children from violence and ensuring their safety when accessing their rights.
- To discover recommendations for incorporating a child rights approach in civil society activities related to or involving children.

"Biçilmiş Kaftan" Ismarlama Eğitim Programı
“Biçilmiş Kaftan” Ismarlama Eğitim Programı, sizlerin belirlediği ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda bizimle birlikte tasarlanan ve planlanan özelleştirilmiş bir kapasite güçlendirme desteği.