About the Organization
The Berghof Foundation works as an independent, non-profit non-governmental organization to prevent political and social conflict and to achieve sustainable peace through conflict resolution. It funds projects that produce effective and pragmatic alternatives to violent political conflicts around the world.
Priority Areas
Post-war peacebuilding and reconciliation, the transition processes of armed groups independent of the state to become political actors, the interaction of state and independent groups in conflict management processes.
About Application
There is no geographical restriction for applications. Institutional and individual applications can be made. The maximum duration of the project can be 2 years. Applications are made online. An invitation is sent to the shortlisted applications by submitting a pre-application to make full applications. Applications can be made in English and German. However, applications submitted in German must be accompanied by a short English summary.
In the pre-application, the institution and the project should be mentioned briefly in 500 words. In addition, the people who will carry out the project are requested to upload their resumes in PDF format online to the relevant section on the page. There is no minimum limit to the amount of funds to be requested. The maximum limit is announced for each call for applications. The deadline for the submission of projects is specified in the Call for Applications published every year.
Website: http://www.berghof-foundation.org/