We offer the Organizational Coaching Program, which is an organization-specific, structured and medium-term mentoring support, as a tailored support based on the needs of the organizations.
Who can benefit from the program?
As part of the Organizational Coaching Program, we will conduct one-on-one interviews with 60 CSOs.
Under the program, CSOs can receive support for the needs they have identified under 4 headings: Participation and Organization, Organizational Development, Setting a Rights-Based Approach, and Organizational Self-Care.
The CSOs will first work with the expert that the Information Center will provide to determine the content, format, and timing of the support they will receive. They will then work with the expert in person and/or online on the issue they wish to support.
How can you apply?
Detailed information about the program can be found in the application guide.
Before applying for the Organizational Coaching Program, you must assess your institution using the ROTA Organizational Capacity Self-Assessment Tool and apply with the self-assessment report that follows that assessment.
The ROTA Organizational Capacity Self-Assessment Tool is a free tool we developed to help civil society organizations assess themselves on many topics, such as governance, participation, resource development, and communication, and identify their organizations' strengths or areas in need of development through a variety of questions.