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Document on the strategy for a child-friendly city of Mardin

The Mardin Child-Friendly City Strategy Document aims to raise the living standards of children living in the city by focusing on their basic needs and protecting their rights in every aspect of city life, and to ensure that children in Mardin lead happier, healthier and safer lives.
Author / Editor:
Prepared by
Halime İnce Alp
Bedran Eşer

Visuals, Graphic Design
Şerif Arslan
Publishing Date:
Children's Rights
Her Yerde Sanat Derneği

The Child Friendly City Strategy Document was prepared by children participating in the activities of Her Yerde Sanat Derneği & Sirkhane. This document is a roadmap that determines the basic characteristics and needs of a child-friendly city, unites local administrators and administrations around this document, aims to create a safer, participation and rights-oriented city for children, and forms the basis for work in this direction.

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January 2025