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Inaccessible Justice: Roma's Search for Justice, Legal Barriers and the Construction of Social Injustice in Turkey

The report, prepared within the scope of the “Strengthening the Capacities of Lawyers and Bar Associations in Ensuring Roma Access to Justice Project” implemented with the support of the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, attempts to address in depth the legal obstacles and social inequalities faced by Roma in access to justice in Turkey.
Author / Editor:
Attorney Göktan Yıldırım
Attorney Zozan Vargün
Sergen Gül
Zühal Gezicier
Publishing Date:
Roma Rights
Romani Godi

The report analyzes the rights violations that Roma are subjected to through various cases, revealing the different dimensions of social and legal injustices. The study analyzes the historical, spatial and legal background of discrimination against Roma and offers policy recommendations for the elimination of structural problems that make it difficult for Roma to access justice.

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January 2025