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Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation - Reviewed Version

Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation Document that was issued by the Conference of International NGOs, the consultation body of the European Council regarding civil society organizations, for the development of Public-Civil Society relations in countries affiliated with the European Council was approved by the European Council Board of Ministers and became official as of 30 October 2019. We translated the Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation document into Turkish within the context of our Right to Participation Project.
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In the document including nine titles, concepts that are based on practical dialogue and cooperation experiences between CSOs and public authorities are presented for all the entities within the democratic process. 

The titles in the document are as follows:

  1. General Framework for Civil Participation
  2. Variables of Civil Society
  3. Principles of Civil Participation
  4. Conditions of Civil Participation
  5. How To Urge Participation
  6. Different Stages of Participation
  7. Steps in the Political Decision Making
  8. Common Tools of Interest for Civil Participation and Participation to Mechanisms
  9. Toolset
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January 2025